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What I want to do is release you from those generational curses that we talk about. We are
living the lives of our ancestors. Why do I say that? Well, we are passing down our thoughts and actions to our children.


Thoughts about who you are and how you should operate. Are your thoughts negative or positive? Are you living a life of sadness? Do you feel less confident than you want? We can change that thought by speaking directly to your subconscious mind.

This is one of those secrets that others are using. Hypnosis can be used to enhance your performance, create new patterns or change those “generational curses” that we talk about. Hypnosis is far from the "woo woo" thing that you see when a hypnotist is making a person act like a dog. It is a state where you can encounter your subconscious mind.  


Your subconscious mind control 95% of your being. Just think about how all your body functions are operating. Your subconscious mind is controlling them.


What keeps the blood flowing in your veins, you don’t have to say to yourself, blood flow.


Do you have to say to your heart beat or breathe no your subconscious makes those things happen? The subconscious is a program of all you have learned since in utero. As an infant, you were not able to speak but your brain was taking in everything around you. Learning from whom you were around and placing that information into the program called you.


This program recalls the information then acts. The issue comes in when the program is different from or not how you want to live your life. Say your early environment was negative (abusive, negative mindset, depressed parent).  You learn those behaviors and operate from that programming.


As you grow and evolve into the adult you are, you keep making the same choices even though you want to change. It is so difficult because the program keeps running the same. How can you update that program? Through hypnosis.


Initial Session

Intake and hypnosis 




Following Sessions Hypnosis


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